Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sound Comparisons: What is the correct way to say this in English?

How do you say that again? Which is correct? What is a sound comparison?

English teachers and linguists might also find website worth a visit. Focusing on the many different dialects of English across the world, it implicitly challenges the notion of a “correct” or “accurate” pronunciation of English. The sound files come from England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, North Amerca, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria, India, and Singapore. Some accents, for this American listener, require significant effort to understand. All dialects, however, successfully function within their local areas.

Of course, context matters. If international students plan to study at an American university, it behooves them to listen to North American dialects – and make sure that their pronunciation is clear and comprehensible to American listeners. If they hope to attend a Scottish university, students might want to try out that accent as the target sound. Being audience focused, after all, is part of effective communication and good manners.

That is also why I very seldom "correct" international friends on their pronunciation if I can understand the word. If asked, I will gladly observe the standard "American" pronunciation and repeat what I heard. Yet focusing, perhaps even obsessing, on "correct" pronunciation can often block English language learners from communicating ideas and being themselves in English. Let's keep the focus on comprehensibility and ideas - and remember the wide, wonderful world of English accents!

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