Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Pleasant Surprise!

Sometimes people appreciate our ideas. Sometimes we find an educational site that shares our goals, perceptions, and priorities. Sometimes our efforts draw praise. April 13, 2010 provided a pleasant surprise as ESL teacher.

Under the title "Great Tips", a small, but influential American librarian's blog called eslconversationclubs.blogspot.com shared some ideas from Compelling Conversations. Naturally, I am quite pleased to both be recommended - and to discover an entire community of like-minded educators.

Here's the link to today's blog post to ESL educators, librarians, and conversation club coordinators:


After reading the article, I spent a satisfying hour exploring the deep resources on the blog that dates back several years. Among the excellent resources is a short two page document called ESL Conversation Clubs Best Practices by Jean Kaleda of webjunction.com that deserves a wider audience. Check it out here:

Enough said. Today provided some surprising validation that conversation clubs fill a vital, often overlooked, need for many American immigrants, ESL students, and other English language learners. And many experts find my little niche, self-published book a valuable, accessible resource. Consider me satisfied!

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